VM-PRO External Evaluation - Interim Consultation

Consent: *

I provide my explicit consent for my participation in the aforementioned external evaluation survey and for the subsequent processing of the data and information I provide, as above described:
I also explicitly consent for you to keep my email and the other contact details I provide with this survey, so that you will be able to follow up with me regarding the VM-PRO External Evaluation activities:
I also explicitly consent for you to keep my email and the other contact details I provide with this survey, so that you will be able to contact me and inform me of other projects you participate in, which are relevant to my line of business and profile:

1. Please, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below (1: Not at all ... 10: Absolutely agree) *

We are aware of the project workplan and timeplan and all specific activities/tasks.
We are aware of the activities/tasks under our organisation's responsibility.
We are aware of the currently active action plan, as agreed in transnational meetings.
We did not face issues with the timely delivery of our assigned activities/tasks.
We delivered our assigned activities/tasks at the expected quality.
Please, share any comment you consider useful to support your responses:

2. Please, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below (1: Not at all ... 10: Absolutely agree) *

The communication among project partners has been easy and fruitful.
The communication and collaboration at project transnational meetings or other bilateral meetings has been effective.
The interaction with partners in the production of joint tasks/outputs has been successful.
The use of the online tools for data storage and exchange of information have been effective.
Please, share any comments you consider useful, to support your responses:

3. Please, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below (1: Not at all ... 10: Absolutely agree) *

The communication with the coordinating team has been easy.
The communication with the coordinating team has been effective.
The collaboration with the coordinating team has been fruitful.
The communication and collaboration with other activity leaders have been effective.
We received all required support regarding the work-plan analysis and definition of expectations.
We received all required support regarding financial issues and reporting.
We always had an updated action plan detailed enough and clear on its deadlines and responsibilities.
Please, share any comment you consider useful, to support your responses:

4. Please, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below (1: Not at all ... 10: Absolutely agree) *

We are fully aware about what the project outputs are.
We are clear about what our contribution was to each one of the outputs.
We are clear about the level of our contribution to each of the outputs.
We have identified the stakeholders related to each output in our country.
We have identified the potential users related to each output in our country.
We communicated with users and stakeholders and informed them about the (expected) outputs.
Users and stakeholders are fully aware of the project outputs.
Users and stakeholders in our country know how to use the outputs in their business.
Users and stakeholders confirm their motivation to use the outputs.
Users see an added value to their work by using the outputs.
Users/stakeholders have already committed in using certain part of the project outputs.
We already have a clear plan on how to exploit and sustain our contributions.
We already have a clear plan on how to continue collaboration with other partners to exploit the products as a whole.
We know the actions we should take to sustain the project outputs.
The investment was worth it and we expect to break even within planned time-frame.
Please, share any comment you consider useful, to support your responses:

5. Organisation name: *

6. Names of persons that will attend an online or face-to-face interview if required: *

7. Contact details (email/phone) of persons in previous answer: *

8. Please, give any additional comments and feedback to the External Evaluator, as you deem necessary: