Cocreate2Learn (B2ECLoC) Project

Grant • 2018–2020

As of October 2016, Eurostat reported 20.448 million unemployed individuals in the EU-28, with significantly high rates in Greece, Spain, and Cyprus, especially among youth post-2008 economic crisis. This high youth unemployment is linked to educational disengagement and a skills mismatch in the labor market. The European Commission's Europe 2020 strategy addresses these issues through targets for employment, education, and social inclusion, emphasizing the development of curricula that align education with labor market needs. To combat these challenges, the B2ECLoC project is introducing a “Learning and Co-Creativity Product Package” (L2CP), aimed at enhancing both hard and soft employability skills in children. This project focuses on increasing skills in critical areas such as ICT and digital game development while implementing innovative learning methodologies to boost self-motivation and engagement. Additionally, it seeks accreditation for its educational package to ensure recognition and validation of the skills taught, within Cyprus and potentially internationally.

Cocreate2Learn (B2ECLoC) Project-image